Gay porn game show

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PLAY is apart of a larger strategy for ‘The Netflix of Gay Porn’ in the age of Covid 19. Don’t miss as Marc hosts a group of top porn stars and surprise guests for a virtual XXX game show where the questions are designed to get the guys hot and hard for the win! NakedSword is excited to present a brand new Special Quarantine Filmed Presentation from award-winning director Marc MacNamara called PLAY, an XXX game show like nothing you’ve seen before.

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You can watch PLAY for free on NAKEDSWORD.COM this weekend from Friday May 22 – Monday May 25. The porn stars will compete in games like “The whore you know”, “Are you smarter… than a porn star?” “Truth or Cher?”, “Size queen”, and “The big O”.

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The first episode will feature gay porn stars Jarec Wentworth, Calvin Banks, and Ty Mitchell with a celebrity guest appearance by Bianca Del Rio! Check out the preview video below. It will be hosted by award-winning director Marc MacNamara. NakedSword is about to premiere its new XXX gay porn game show PLAY this weekend.

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